Over the years here at The Reserve at Leonard Farms, we’ve noticed that many people who choose to live in a luxury gated community are interested in fitness and wellness. Either they already follow a regular exercise routine, or they’re interested in starting one and living a more active lifestyle. Want to find out about Bristol gyms and other local places to work out and get some exercise? Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities to pursue a lifestyle of fitness in Bristol, TN.

The Benefits of Fitness and Wellness

The many rewards of living a healthy lifestyle are almost too numerous to list. Eating a well-balanced diet and getting regular exercise are essential to good health. Spending time outdoors is also vital to the wellbeing of your mind and spirit, and you’ll find plenty of places for natural refreshment in and around The Reserve at Leonard Farms. Here are just a few of the advantages of a healthy lifestyle that you’ll enjoy:

  • Good muscle tone and joint flexibility
  • A healthy weight
  • Better memory and reasoning skills
  • Improved mood and less anxiety
  • Less risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other illnesses
  • Increased energy and vigor
  • Deeper, more refreshing sleep
  • Relief from stomach and digestive system problems

Activities To Keep You Fit in Bristol, TN

There are many things to do in Bristol to pursue fitness and wellness regardless of your age or physical condition, including many low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, light aerobics, yoga, golf, Pilates, biking, tennis and more. Without leaving our beautiful gated community, you can take your dog for a walk around the garden and park, enjoy swimming some laps in the pool, or ride your bike through the quiet, shady streets.

Some of the best gyms in Bristol, TN, include The Club, with world-class equipment and machines; Workout Anytime, with monthly fitness evaluations and hydro-massage therapy; and the YMCA, offering both youth and senior-specific fitness classes.

Bristol also boasts six public and private golf courses, including The Golf Club of Bristol, designed by Alex McKay; The Virginian Golf Club, on the VA side of town; and the Olde Farm Golf Course.

For the more adventurous, you can even hike the Appalachian Trail near Bristol.

Fitness and wellness are easy to achieve when you live at The Reserve at Leonard Farms. Call us today to learn more.

Published On: December 13th, 2023